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Here you'll find insightful articles, tips, and templates on agile coaching and visual thinking techniques, all designed to help you succeed. Whether you're looking to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices, gain insights from thought leaders in your industry, or simply expand your knowledge, my blog has something for everyone.

🎙️ Exploring Tech's Impact on the Public Sector: My Journey on the DevLab Podcast 🌐
Agile Coaching, Public Speaking Steven Sampson-Jones Agile Coaching, Public Speaking Steven Sampson-Jones

🎙️ Exploring Tech's Impact on the Public Sector: My Journey on the DevLab Podcast 🌐

Hey tech enthusiasts! 🖥️ I'm excited to give you a glimpse into my recent journey as a guest speaker on the DevLab Podcast, where we explored the dynamic fusion of technology and the public sector. Here’s a snapshot of the enriching conversation:

Joined by the talented Mina and Andrew from Made Tech, we delved into:

1. Tech's Public Sector Impact: We dissected the transformative power of technology in the public sector. Think smarter services and enhanced engagement – tech is redefining the game!

2. Nurturing Tech Communities: We discussed the art of community-building in tech. The collaboration within these communities has the potential to catalyse immense positive change across industries.

3. Made Tech's Vision: A highlight was uncovering Made Tech's mission. Their commitment to modernising practices and unleashing the potential of data aligns seamlessly with the dynamic needs of the sector.

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The Agile Delivery Manager Top Trumps Exercise
Agile Coaching, Visual Thinking Steven Sampson-Jones Agile Coaching, Visual Thinking Steven Sampson-Jones

The Agile Delivery Manager Top Trumps Exercise

The Agile Delivery Manager Top Trumps exercise is a powerful tool for celebrating skills and fostering collaboration in the public sector. By engaging in meaningful conversations and exchanging personalized cards, participants build connections and promote recognition. Discover how this activity boosts teamwork and appreciation among Agile Delivery Managers.

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Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as an Agile Delivery Manager
Agile Coaching Steven Sampson-Jones Agile Coaching Steven Sampson-Jones

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as an Agile Delivery Manager

Imposter syndrome can be a challenge for Agile Delivery Managers. Despite their qualifications, self-doubt can creep in, making them feel undeserving or like they're fooling others. To overcome this, it's important to acknowledge these feelings and understand that they are common. Celebrate your achievements, big and small, to boost confidence. Embrace continuous learning opportunities to grow your skills. Remember, imposter syndrome doesn't define your success. With the right strategies, you can thrive as an Agile Delivery Manager.

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Triumphs from Setbacks: Inspiring Stories of Resilience
Agile Coaching, Visual Thinking Steven Sampson-Jones Agile Coaching, Visual Thinking Steven Sampson-Jones

Triumphs from Setbacks: Inspiring Stories of Resilience

Failure is a universal experience, but it is not the end of the road. In fact, it often serves as a catalyst for growth and success. The stories of Colonel Sanders, Dyson, Michael Jordan, and Walt Disney exemplify the power of resilience and determination in the face of adversity. These individuals encountered setbacks and rejection but refused to let them define their futures. Instead, they harnessed their failures as fuel for their journey towards triumph.

Colonel Sanders, the mastermind behind KFC, faced over a thousand rejections before finding a franchise partner. Sir James Dyson, the renowned inventor, persevered through thousands of failed prototypes before creating his revolutionary vacuum. Michael Jordan, widely regarded as the greatest basketball player of all time, overcame being cut from his high school team to achieve legendary success. Walt Disney, the visionary behind Disney's magical empire, was fired early in his career for lacking imagination. However, he used that setback as motivation to create beloved characters and build an entertainment empire that continues to captivate audiences worldwide.

These stories remind us that failure is not the end but a stepping stone towards greatness. They teach us the importance of resilience, determination, and refusing to give up on our dreams. By embracing failure as an opportunity for growth and learning, we can unleash our potential and achieve extraordinary success. Join us as we delve into the inspiring journeys of these remarkable individuals and discover valuable lessons on overcoming failure and embracing triumph.

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 Mastering the Art of Public Speaking: Tips and Tricks for Success
Visual Thinking Steven Sampson-Jones Visual Thinking Steven Sampson-Jones

Mastering the Art of Public Speaking: Tips and Tricks for Success

Are you ready to conquer the stage and become a master of public speaking?

In this blog post, we delve into the essential tips and tricks that will elevate your speaking skills to new heights. First and foremost, connecting with your audience is key. Discover how to engage and resonate with your listeners through tailored content, relatable stories, and eye contact.

We also emphasise the importance of thorough preparation and practice, guiding you through the process of crafting a compelling message and delivering it with confidence. Additionally, we explore the effective use of visual aids to enhance your presentations without overshadowing your words.

Finally, we highlight common pitfalls to avoid, such as the infamous "picture your audience naked" advice and the monotony of reading from a script. Join us on this journey to unlock the secrets of successful public speaking and leave a lasting impact on any audience you encounter.

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Unlocking Success: The Power of Marginal Gains in Team Sky and GB Cycling
Agile Coaching Steven Sampson-Jones Agile Coaching Steven Sampson-Jones

Unlocking Success: The Power of Marginal Gains in Team Sky and GB Cycling

Team Sky and GB Cycling have mastered the art of marginal gains, making incremental improvements that lead to significant advancements in their performance. They leave no aspect untouched, meticulously optimizing bike setups to reduce aerodynamic drag and maximize efficiency. Personalized nutrition plans fuel their riders optimally, enhancing endurance and recovery. Data-driven training programs, tailored to each athlete's needs, push their limits and identify areas for improvement.

The teams also prioritize mental preparation, employing strategies like visualization and goal setting to develop a winning mindset. A culture of continuous improvement drives them to explore innovative approaches and embrace cutting-edge technologies.

By paying attention to the smallest details and constantly seeking marginal gains, Team Sky and GB Cycling have established themselves as leaders in the cycling world, showcasing the immense power of these incremental improvements.

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A Sweet Confectionery Retrospective: Reflecting on Team Success
Retrospectives Steven Sampson-Jones Retrospectives Steven Sampson-Jones

A Sweet Confectionery Retrospective: Reflecting on Team Success

Discover a sweet and creative approach to retrospectives in our confectionery-inspired blog post. From the irresistible energy of "once you pop you can't stop" to navigating the crunch times like a perfectly baked pretzel, we explore valuable lessons learned and growth opportunities. Join us as we infuse retrospectives with fun and reflection, adding a sprinkle of sweetness to team success and continuous improvement.

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Boost Your Visual Thinking Skills with These Free Tools
Visual Thinking Steven Sampson-Jones Visual Thinking Steven Sampson-Jones

Boost Your Visual Thinking Skills with These Free Tools

Enhancing visual thinking skills has never been easier with these free tools. Quick Draw by Google sharpens your drawing abilities, Gartic Phone fosters collaboration and laughter, Auto Draw simplifies drawing for everyone, and Animated Drawings by Meta AI Research adds motion and interactivity to your sketches. Unleash your creativity and tap into the power of visuals with these incredible resources.

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🌐 Remote Design Sprints: Unlocking Collaboration and Innovation
Visual Thinking, Agile Coaching Steven Sampson-Jones Visual Thinking, Agile Coaching Steven Sampson-Jones

🌐 Remote Design Sprints: Unlocking Collaboration and Innovation

In my latest blog post, co-authored with Made Tech, I explore the dynamic world of remote design sprints and how they enable teams to collaborate, innovate, and achieve remarkable results, all without being physically together.

Remote design sprints combine design thinking principles with agile methodologies, making them an ideal solution for teams working in distributed locations or those unable to gather in person. The benefits are abundant: speed and focus, inclusivity, and diversity, and efficient utilisation of technology.

By embracing remote design sprints, teams can complete projects in shorter timeframes, fostering a sense of momentum and heightened focus. The inclusive nature of remote collaboration also allows for diverse perspectives and ideas to emerge, leading to more innovative solutions.

In the blog post, we delve into the intricacies of remote design sprints, exploring adapted tools and techniques, smart scheduling to prevent burnout, and overcoming limitations in a remote environment. To bring the concept to life, we take you through a captivating case study with the Met Office, where we successfully designed a new careers site remotely, optimising accessibility and showcasing their exciting opportunities.

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Unleashing Creative Potential: Exploring Alternate Uses with Design Thinking
Visual Thinking Steven Sampson-Jones Visual Thinking Steven Sampson-Jones

Unleashing Creative Potential: Exploring Alternate Uses with Design Thinking

Discover the transformative power of design thinking through the exploration of alternate uses for everyday objects. Unleash your creativity as you reimagine the potential of a coffee cup, paperclip, or beach ball. By thinking outside the box and embracing unconventional perspectives, you'll unlock innovative solutions and develop essential skills for problem-solving and collaboration. Join us on this journey of design thinking and tap into your boundless imagination to shape a future filled with endless possibilities.

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Ted Lasso: Unleashing the Power of Leadership
Agile Coaching Steven Sampson-Jones Agile Coaching Steven Sampson-Jones

Ted Lasso: Unleashing the Power of Leadership

Unlocking the Leadership Magic of Ted Lasso

In a world hungry for authentic leadership, Ted Lasso emerges as a shining example of how to inspire, motivate, and bring out the best in others. The beloved fictional character from the hit series has captured hearts and ignited a renewed interest in what it truly means to lead with compassion and positivity.

Ted Lasso's leadership principles transcend the screen and offer valuable lessons for leaders from all walks of life. From embracing failure as a catalyst for growth to fostering a collaborative environment where diverse voices are valued, Ted's approach brings out the best in individuals and teams.

His unwavering optimism and positive mindset create a contagious energy that lifts spirits and ignites motivation. Ted teaches us the importance of attention to detail and treating every task, no matter how small, with equal respect. He understands that success lies not in personal achievements but in empowering others to shine, enabling them to reach their full potential.

In this blog, we delve into the essence of Ted Lasso's leadership philosophy, exploring how it can transform individuals and organizations. Join us as we unpack his principles of embracing failure, collaborating with others, cultivating a positive mindset, valuing attention to detail, and empowering others to thrive.

Discover the transformative power of Ted Lasso's leadership approach and unlock the magic that can help you become a better leader, make a lasting impact, and inspire greatness in those around you.

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Break the Ice with Blind Portraits: A Fun Team Building Exercise for Remote Teams
Visual Thinking Steven Sampson-Jones Visual Thinking Steven Sampson-Jones

Break the Ice with Blind Portraits: A Fun Team Building Exercise for Remote Teams

Blind Portraits is a classic drawing exercise that is widely used by art teachers to help develop communication between the eyes, brain, and hand. However, it can also be used as a fun and effective icebreaker activity in remote teams. The aim of this exercise is to draw your partner's portrait without looking at the paper. The end result is not important, but the focus is on observation and noticing details. With just paper and pens and at least two participants, you can get started with this activity that is perfect for remote teams. It is a great way to develop communication, observation, and drawing skills, and also helps to break down barriers and set the tone for productive and creative collaboration.

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Design the Box: A Powerful Exercise for Visualising and Selling Ideas
Visual Thinking Steven Sampson-Jones Visual Thinking Steven Sampson-Jones

Design the Box: A Powerful Exercise for Visualising and Selling Ideas

It's important for teams to be able to articulate their ideas clearly and effectively. But sometimes, that's easier said than done. That's where the "Design the Box" exercise comes in. This exercise is a powerful tool that can help teams visualize and sell their ideas. By imagining the package for their idea, teams make decisions about important features and other aspects of their vision that might otherwise be difficult to articulate.

The "Design the Box" exercise moves through three phases: an introduction, box creation, and sharing by "selling." In the first phase, teams reflect on what could be in the box. They consider possible names for their idea, as well as potential customers and important defining details. The second phase is all about creating the box itself. Teams have a set amount of time to create the box for their idea and are prompted to think about what it's called, who it's for, what its tagline or slogan is, and what imagery would make it stand out. In the final phase, each team has the chance to "sell" their box to the group, allowing the features of the idea to naturally translate into benefits.

The "Design the Box" exercise is not only effective, but it's also fun. Teams can create simple drawings or actual boxes, which can serve as a friendly reminder of the big picture long after the exercise is over. This exercise is not just limited to software developers. It has been successfully used in a wide range of industries to describe topics ranging from "our future methodology" to "the ideal hire." Whether you're looking to create a tangible product or articulate a vision, the "Design the Box" exercise can help you get there.

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May the Fourth Be With You: How to Add Some Star Wars Fun to Your Daily Scrum
Steven Sampson-Jones Steven Sampson-Jones

May the Fourth Be With You: How to Add Some Star Wars Fun to Your Daily Scrum

As we celebrate Star Wars Day, it's a great opportunity to embrace the iconic franchise and use it to inspire us in our daily lives. Whether you're a die-hard fan or just enjoy the movies casually, there's no denying the impact that Star Wars has had on popular culture. So why not incorporate some of that magic into your work life?

One way to do that is by adding some Star Wars fun to your daily scrum. The daily scrum is a quick, stand-up meeting where team members can update each other on their progress, share any roadblocks, and plan their tasks for the day. While it's a great way to stay organized and focused, it can sometimes be a bit dull. That's where Star Wars comes in

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Agile Mythbusting: Debunking Three Common Misconceptions
Agile Coaching Steven Sampson-Jones Agile Coaching Steven Sampson-Jones

Agile Mythbusting: Debunking Three Common Misconceptions

Agile project management has gained popularity, but there are still misconceptions about it. Here are three common Agile myths debunked:

Myth 1: Agile means no planning. Reality: Agile emphasizes continuous planning and adapting to changes.

Myth 2: Agile is only for software development. Reality: Agile can be applied to any project that involves complexity and uncertainty.

Myth 3: Agile means no documentation. Reality: Agile values working software over comprehensive documentation but still documents what's necessary to support the work being done.

By understanding the reality of Agile, teams can avoid common pitfalls and use the methodology effectively to deliver value to the customer.

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Agile Games: A Fun Way to Build Better Teams
Agile Coaching Steven Sampson-Jones Agile Coaching Steven Sampson-Jones

Agile Games: A Fun Way to Build Better Teams

Agile games are an engaging way to help teams understand and apply agile concepts and practices. By using games, teams can learn through experience and experimentation, which can lead to better retention and understanding of the material. Additionally, games can help to build camaraderie and collaboration within the team, which can lead to more effective communication and problem-solving. Overall, agile games are a fun and effective tool for building better teams and delivering better outcomes.

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Hand-drawn to Digital Masterpiece: How My Logo Was Replicated in Miro
Visual Thinking Steven Sampson-Jones Visual Thinking Steven Sampson-Jones

Hand-drawn to Digital Masterpiece: How My Logo Was Replicated in Miro

Seeing my hand-drawn logo come to life in Miro through Said's creative process was nothing short of awe-inspiring. His expert use of basic shapes and visual thinking skills pushed the limits of digital tools, resulting in a digital masterpiece. The collaborative nature of the process and the remarkable results achieved were a testament to the boundless possibilities of digital creativity. It was a reminder that with the right skills, mindset, and tools, the world of design is full of endless opportunities for innovation and artistic expression.

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Agile Team Canvas: Navigating Space with Futurama-Inspired Team Members, Goals, and Obstacles
Visual Thinking Steven Sampson-Jones Visual Thinking Steven Sampson-Jones

Agile Team Canvas: Navigating Space with Futurama-Inspired Team Members, Goals, and Obstacles

The Agile Team Canvas is a powerful tool for any team looking to enhance their collaboration and agility. By breaking down the key elements of our team into easily digestible categories, we can better understand our goals, obstacles, and energy sources. And with the help of our Futurama-inspired crew, we're ready to blast off into the depths of space and achieve our mission together. So grab your space helmet and strap in for an adventure like no other – let's explore the Agile Team Canvas and see where it can take us!

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Dragon Ball Z Retrospective: Nostalgia, Memories, and a Wish Granted by Shenron
Retrospectives Steven Sampson-Jones Retrospectives Steven Sampson-Jones

Dragon Ball Z Retrospective: Nostalgia, Memories, and a Wish Granted by Shenron

Agile retrospective meetings are a valuable tool for teams to reflect on their performance, identify areas for improvement, and plan for the future. And what better way to conduct a retrospective than by drawing inspiration from Dragon Ball Z?

In this agile retrospective, we'll choose our fighter from four iconic characters: Vegeta, Goku, Frieza, and Android 18. We'll use bespoke hand-drawn Dragon Balls for dot voting to select the most memorable moments from our recent projects, and reflect on how we can apply the lessons learned to future sprints.

As we discuss our successes and failures, we'll take a cue from the friendship between Goku and Vegeta and focus on how we can work together as a team to achieve our goals. We'll also look at the threats we faced, such as tight deadlines or unexpected obstacles, and how we overcame them using our agile methodology.

Finally, we'll channel the power of the Dragon Balls to make a wish for our future success as a team. Just like how Shenron granted the wishes of the characters in Dragon Ball Z, our retrospective can help us bring our team's goals and aspirations to life.

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Surviving the Wilds of Delivery Management: Overcoming the Dangerous Animals of Project Delivery
Steven Sampson-Jones Steven Sampson-Jones

Surviving the Wilds of Delivery Management: Overcoming the Dangerous Animals of Project Delivery

As a delivery manager, your primary responsibility is to ensure the successful delivery of projects. However, with so many moving parts and stakeholders involved, it can sometimes feel like you're navigating through a jungle filled with dangerous animals. From scope creep chameleons to feedback piranhas, these hazards can derail your plans and prevent you from delivering projects on time, within budget, and to the satisfaction of your clients.

In this blog post, we'll explore the top 5 dangerous animals of delivery management and provide practical tips to overcome them. We'll cover common hazards like communication breakdowns, time-stealing tasks, and endless meetings, and provide actionable strategies to help you avoid them. By the end of this post, you'll have a better understanding of how to manage these dangerous animals and deliver successful projects every time. So grab your machete, put on your safari hat, and let's explore the wilds of delivery management!

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