Design the Box: A Powerful Exercise for Visualising and Selling Ideas

The "Design the Box" exercise is a powerful tool that can help teams visualize and sell their ideas. Whether the goal is to create a tangible product or to articulate a vision, the act of imagining a package for the idea can help teams make important decisions about features and other aspects that might otherwise be difficult to articulate. Originally popular among software developers, this game has found success in a wide range of industries, from describing future methodologies to envisioning the ideal hire.

The box itself serves as a focusing device, allowing teams to wrap up otherwise intangible information into a tangible object. When teams present or "sell" their boxes to one another, the features of the idea naturally translate into benefits, giving life to the vision. The exercise is not only effective, but it's also fun. Teams can create simple drawings or actual boxes, which can serve as a friendly reminder of the big picture long after the exercise is over.

Phase One: Fill the Box

Before creating a box design, it's essential to consider what might be inside the box. This phase involves reflecting on potential names, customers, and features that could be included in the design. By considering these aspects, designers can set the stage for the rest of the exercise and gain a clearer understanding of the product they will be designing for.

Phase Two: Make the Box

With a clear idea of what might be inside the box, designers can then move on to creating a packaging design that reflects their product's features and benefits. This phase involves designing a box with a tagline, compelling features, and eye-catching imagery. By imagining how the box would look on a retail shelf, designers can create a packaging design that stands out and entices potential buyers.

Phase Three: Sell the Box

Finally, designers will have the opportunity to sell their box to others. This phase involves showcasing their design and presentation skills, as well as highlighting the benefits of their product. By presenting their box to others and emphasizing how their product can improve the user experience, designers can gain valuable feedback and insight into their design.

Overall, the "Design the Box" exercise is a great way for UX designers to boost their creativity, think outside the box, and come up with innovative solutions for design challenges. By exploring different possibilities for packaging design and showcasing their design and presentation skills, designers can gain valuable experience and insights that can be applied to future projects.

Whether you're a seasoned pro in design thinking or just starting out, the "Design the Box" exercise is a fun and engaging way to enhance your creativity and design skills. So why not give it a try and see where your imagination takes you?


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