Agile Games: A Fun Way to Build Better Teams

Agile is a project management methodology that emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and customer satisfaction. To achieve these goals, agile teams use a variety of techniques and tools, including agile games. These games help to improve team dynamics, promote creativity, and encourage innovation. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at two agile games: A Beautiful Summer Meadow and The Marshmallow Tower Challenge.

A Beautiful Summer Meadow - Outputs vs. Outcomes

One of the fundamental concepts in agile project management is the difference between outputs and outcomes. Outputs are the tangible results of a project, such as a new software application or a new product. Outcomes, on the other hand, are the changes in behavior or business impact that result from the project.

To help teams understand the difference between outputs and outcomes, we can use the game "A Beautiful Summer Meadow." In this game, participants are divided into teams and given the task of creating a beautiful meadow using a variety of materials, such as paper, pens, and tape.

The catch is that each team has a different set of instructions. Some teams are given instructions that focus on the output - create a meadow with lots of flowers and trees. Other teams are given instructions that focus on the outcome - create a meadow that attracts butterflies and bees.

After the teams have completed their meadows, they present them to the rest of the group and explain their instructions. This game helps teams to understand that the focus should be on outcomes, not just outputs. By focusing on outcomes, teams can create solutions that truly meet the needs of their customers and stakeholders.

The Marshmallow Tower Challenge

The Marshmallow Tower Challenge is another popular agile game that can help teams to improve their collaboration, creativity, and problem-solving skills. In this game, teams are given a set of materials, including spaghetti, tape, and string, and are tasked with building the tallest tower they can with a marshmallow on top.

The catch is that the tower must be able to support the weight of the marshmallow without collapsing. This game encourages teams to experiment with different designs, collaborate effectively, and learn from their mistakes.

This game also highlights the importance of iteration and continuous improvement in agile project management. Teams may try several different designs before finding one that works, and they must be willing to adapt and make changes along the way.


Agile games can be a fun and effective way to improve team dynamics, promote creativity, and encourage innovation. A Beautiful Summer Meadow and The Marshmallow Tower Challenge are just two examples of the many agile games that can help teams to better understand agile concepts and practices. By incorporating these games into team meetings, away days, or training sessions, organizations can build better teams and deliver better outcomes.


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