Reflecting on the Sprint: Dive into a Shark-Themed Retrospective

As a Delivery Manager, it's important to reflect on the past sprint to identify areas of improvement and recognise successes. And what better way to do that than with a shark-themed retrospective?

Shark-themed retrospective template with four sections: feeling safe, feeling in danger, jaws of success, and Shark Week Discovery Channel. Each section features a corresponding shark illustration and text box for reflection.

What made you feel safe this sprint

In the world of agile user-centric delivery, feeling safe means knowing that your team has your back and that you have the resources and support you need to succeed. During this sprint, what made me feel safe was the strong communication and collaboration among team members. We were all working towards the same goal, and everyone was open and transparent about their progress and any roadblocks they were facing. This made it easier for us to identify issues early and work together to find solutions.

What made you feel in danger

Of course, not everything can be smooth sailing in a project or product team. This sprint, what made me feel in danger was the lack of clarity around some of the project requirements. It's easy to assume that everyone is on the same page, but we discovered that there were some gaps in our understanding of what was expected. This caused some delays and confusion, but we were able to regroup and get everyone on the same page before it became a major issue.

Jaws of success - what deserves appreciation and credit where its due

When things go well, it's important to give credit where it's due. This sprint, our development team really shone. They went above and beyond to meet some tight deadlines and delivered high-quality work. Their attention to detail and willingness to put in extra effort was truly impressive, and it's clear that their contributions were a major factor in the success of this sprint.

Shark Week Discovery Channel - what did you learn this sprint

Just like the Discovery Channel's Shark Week, there's always something to learn in project management. This sprint, I learned the importance of setting clear expectations and regularly checking in with stakeholders to make sure everyone is on the same page. It's easy to assume that everyone knows what's expected, but taking the time to confirm everyone's understanding can prevent misunderstandings and delays down the line.

In conclusion, while a shark-themed retrospective may seem unconventional, it's a fun and memorable way to reflect on the past sprint. By considering what made us feel safe, in danger, and successful, as well as what we learned along the way, we can take steps to improve and continue to grow as a team.


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