Manual of Me - Discover and Communicate How You Work Best 🧠

At some point in our lives, we've all wished for a manual that could help others understand us better, especially in the context of work and collaboration. Imagine having a guide that tells your teammates how to work with you effectively, what motivates you, and how you communicate best. Well, it's not just wishful thinking anymore. Welcome to the world of the "User Manual of Me" – a transformative journey of self-discovery that can empower individuals and promote inclusivity, empathy, and neurodiversity within teams and organisations.

Embark together with Steven Sampson-Jones on a transformative journey of self-discovery using the Manual of Me.

What's It All About?

The "User Manual of Me" is a personalised manual that you create for yourself. It's a document that helps you communicate your unique working style, preferences, and needs to your colleagues, teammates, and managers. Think of it as a user guide, but for you!

Manual of Me Prompts:

Who am I? (draw a picture of yourself and write your name and role)

The conditions I like to work in (e.g. open space)

The times/hours I like to work (e.g. 09:00-17:00)

The best ways to communicate with me (e.g. openly, over email, over slack)

The ways I like to receive feedback (e.g. one to one, with time to reflect)

Things I need (e.g. coffee, breaks, hugs)

Things I struggle with / don’t like

Things I love at work (anything that makes work great for you)

Other things to know about me (this can be anything outside of work, e.g. family, hobbies or things that might affect your mood at work)

Why Does It Matter?

By creating your own "User Manual," you're not only enhancing your self-awareness but also facilitating empathy among your peers. It supports inclusion by allowing you to express your individuality and can even serve as a tool for education and advocacy.

Benefits Galore

Here are some of the key benefits of having a "Manual of Me":

Improved Self-Awareness

Creating this manual prompts you to reflect on your strengths, weaknesses, and working style. It's a journey of self-discovery that can lead to personal growth and improved performance.

Facilitates Empathy

Your "User Manual" becomes a bridge to understanding. It helps your colleagues appreciate your unique qualities and provides insights into how to work harmoniously with you.

Supports Inclusion

In a diverse workplace, the "Manual of Me" ensures that every individual feels valued and understood. It fosters an environment where everyone's needs are considered and respected.

Education and Advocacy

By sharing your manual, you're not just helping your immediate team but also contributing to a broader understanding of diversity and neurodiversity. It can be a powerful tool for raising awareness and advocating for inclusivity in your organisation.

Get Started Today

Ready to embark on your journey of self-discovery? You can find templates and resources to create your very own "Manual of Me" at the following links:

Manual of Me Templates: πŸ”—

Don't miss out on this opportunity to unlock your true potential and promote a culture of growth and collaboration within your workplace. Embrace the "User Manual of Me" and discover the power of self-awareness, empathy, and inclusion. 🌟


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