Impact Effort Matrix

In the dynamic landscape of product and service delivery, finding the sweet spot between impact and effort is key to success. Enter the Impact Effort Matrix, a game-changer in helping you identify strategic moves, avoid time-wasting endeavours, seize low-hanging opportunities, and steer clear of distractions.

1. Big Bets: Strategic Wins

Every product and service portfolio harbors those significant endeavors that promise substantial impact. These are your "Big Bets." With the Impact Effort Matrix, these high-stakes initiatives come into sharp focus. By evaluating their potential impact against the effort required, you can strategically allocate resources and prioritize these ventures that hold the potential for transformative success.

2. Time Wasters: The Pitfalls of Low Impact, High Effort Tasks

Not every task in the agile delivery landscape is worth the investment. The matrix acts as a filter, helping you identify and steer clear of "Time Wasters" – those endeavors that demand considerable effort but offer minimal impact. By swiftly recognizing and sidelining such tasks, you liberate resources for more meaningful projects, ultimately enhancing overall productivity.

3. Low Hanging Fruit: Quick Wins for Momentum

Within the matrix, "Low Hanging Fruit" represents tasks with significant impact and minimal effort. These are the quick wins that inject momentum into your agile delivery. The matrix guides you to spot these opportunities, allowing you to efficiently address them and accumulate victories that boost team morale and project momentum.

4. Distractions: Navigating Away from the Unnecessary

In the whirlwind of product and service management, distractions can divert your team's energy and focus. The Impact Effort Matrix serves as a compass, helping you identify potential distractions – tasks that demand low effort but contribute little to overall impact. By recognizing and filtering out these distractions, you maintain a clear path towards your product and service delivery goals.

Conclusion: Strategic Delivery Navigation

In the world of product and service delivery, efficiency is the name of the game. The Impact Effort Matrix empowers you to navigate your project landscape with precision, ensuring that your team invests time and resources where they matter most. By identifying big bets, avoiding time wasters, seizing low-hanging opportunities, and steering clear of distractions, you set the stage for a streamlined and successful delivery journey. So, gear up, embrace the matrix, and let efficiency become your guiding principle in the pursuit of product and service excellence.


5 minutes with… Steven Sampson-Jones


Metaphors for Inspiration