Unleashing Creative Courage: Two Exercises to Ignite Innovation

Creativity is a powerful force that can drive innovation, solve problems, and inspire change. However, getting a group of people into a creative mindset can sometimes be a challenge. Whether you're leading a brainstorming session, a visual workshop, or simply want to foster a culture of innovation, creating creative courage is essential. In this blog post, we'll explore two exercises designed to open up minds, encourage unexpected combinations, and spark the creative fire within any group.

Exercise 1: New Product Idea Generator

One effective way to kickstart creativity is to tap into the power of personal experiences. The "New Product Idea Generator" exercise is a three-step process that encourages participants to think outside the box by combining elements from their daily lives.

Step 1:

Breakfast Detail Start by distributing a blank piece of paper divided into three columns. In the left-hand column, ask participants to draw an element of their breakfast – it could be a coffee cup, a piece of toast, or a bowl of cereal. This seemingly simple task helps participants tap into their personal experiences and sets the stage for the creative process.

Step 2:

Beloved Furnity Next, have participants pass their initial drawing to a neighbor. In the middle column, ask them to draw their neighbor's favorite piece of furniture. This step adds an element of surprise and encourages participants to consider different perspectives and preferences.

Step 3:

Combine Now, pass the drawings on again and ask participants to combine the two initial drawings into a new product. This could be a breakfast-inspired furniture piece, sparking imaginative and unexpected ideas. The process of combining unrelated elements fosters a mindset of openness and innovation.

Exercise 2: Unexpected Combinations

The "Unexpected Combinations" exercise takes creativity to the next level by challenging participants to merge seemingly unrelated concepts. This exercise is perfect for warming up a group before a visual session or brainstorming activity.


Create a table with icons in the header and first column. These icons could represent various categories, such as nature, technology, animals, emotions, etc. Participants will use the intersections of these categories to generate new product ideas.


Participants choose an icon from the header and another from the first column, and then brainstorm ways to combine them into a new product. For example, if someone selects a lightbulb icon from the technology category and a tree icon from nature, they might come up with a solar-powered tree light. This exercise encourages thinking beyond traditional boundaries and promotes innovative ideas through unexpected connections.


Creating a culture of creative courage is crucial for fostering innovation within teams and organizations. By incorporating exercises like the New Product Idea Generator and Unexpected Combinations into your workshops or meetings, you can stimulate creativity, encourage out-of-the-box thinking, and inspire fresh perspectives. These exercises not only warm up participants for visual sessions but also lay the foundation for a mindset that embraces innovation and welcomes the courage to explore new ideas.


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